Optimal climate control on festival grounds

Smart fan control ensures a perfect festival climate!

Festival tents provide a unique environment where thousands of people gather to enjoy music and socializing. With the increase in crowds and the movement that the music brings, the temperature can quickly become uncomfortable.

Our goal was clear

Provide a solution to heat spikes through advanced fan controls. These not only had to be able to regulate airflow, but also to do so discreetly and efficiently, taking into account the comfort of festival-goers and without disrupting the music experience.

Various fans on festival grounds

The result was a series of 10 control cabinets designed specifically to meet the unique requirements of festival environments. These control boxes are pluggable and equipped with variable speed drives, making them capable of controlling fans smoothly and accurately. In fact, during the concert, the fans should run at a low speed so as not to disturb the music, but during heat spikes or breaks, they should instead be able to circulate fresh air at full power.

Practical approach to operation

A practical solution has been devised for operation. A control box at the front-of-house, based on a 0-10V system. This is because in a large tent with 20,000 visitors, the available bandwidth is limited. Currently, 10 of these cabinets have already been built, and the fleet will soon be expanded with another 8 cabinets, 6 local controls and the necessary interconnecting cables.

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