Optimal climate control for mealworms

Mealworm farm with high-pressure mist cooling!

Mealworm farms are faced when it comes to maintaining an optimal climate for mealworm development.
Variations in humidity can severely affect the growth and health of mealworms, leading to inefficient production and possible loss of yield.
To address these issues, we implemented high-pressure mist cooling at the Mertens Family mealworm farm.

Optimal climate control for mealworms

On the mealworm farm, there are four rooms, each designed for a specific stage in the mealworm life cycle:

  1. Eggs and young larvae
  2. Growing larvae
  3. Dolls
  4. Full-grown mealworms

A piping system with sensors is installed in each room.
These sensors constantly monitor the humidity (RH) in the room.
As soon as the humidity level falls below 70% RH, our high-pressure mist cooling system is automatically activated.
This humidifies the air and keeps the climate optimal for mealworm development.

Advanced control

Application of technology

Mealworms have specific climatic requirements for each stage of their life cycle.
Too low humidity can lead to dehydration and reduced growth, while too high humidity can cause mold growth and other health problems.
Manually checking and adjusting humidity in four different rooms is not only time-consuming, but also inefficient.
Therefore, there is a need for a reliable, automatic system that ensures that humidity is always kept at the optimal level.

Our technology allows mealworms to develop in the best possible climate.
This results in efficient and sustainable production of mealworms that can be used for both human consumption and animal feed.

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